Adjustable Stop Collar complete with scale lable Maximize

Adjustable Stop Collar complete with scale lable

Shopsmith Adjustable Stop Collar Get Micro-Adjustment Convenience and Ensured Repeatability with Shopsmith's Adjustable Stop Collar  

This is the COMPLETE STOP COLLAR with the printed scales 

This kit may show on your order as "OUT OF STOCK" as it will be assembled from multiple items in stock

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1 x Adjustable Stop Collar

Shopsmith Adjustable Stop Collar Get Micro-Adjustment Convenience and Ensured Repeatability with Shopsmith's Adjustable Stop Collar  

This is the bare STOP COLLAR without the printed scales 


1 x Adjustable Stop Collar scales lable

Shopsmith Adjustable Stop Collar Get Micro-Adjustment Convenience and Ensured Repeatability with Shopsmith's Adjustable Stop Collar  

This is the Lable Strip for the STOP COLLAR



£ 92,50

Instead of £ 97,20

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556434 Shopsmith Micro-Adjustable Stop Collar    

     Get Micro-Adjustment Convenience and Ensured Repeatability with Shopsmith's Adjustable Stop Collar    

Micro-Adjustable Stop Collar with Ensured Repeatability          Shopsmith Adjustable Stop Collar Now Available With Optional Laminated Scale         

     The Shopsmith Adjustable Stop Collar puts an end to frustrating trial-and-error table height adjustments Delivering Precision Depth  Dadoes, Grooves, Finger Joints & Molding cuts  -- plus lots more !    

Make no mistake about it... this is an amazingly simple (and handy) Accessory that truly belongs in every Shopsmith-based workshop. Add on the optional laminated scales for even more convenient precision.

         Weighing-in at a hefty 22 ounces and measuring about 2-1/4" in diameter, it's made of precision-machined steel then given a protective      black oxide coating.    

          Just slip it over the front (operator-side) table tube on your Mark 7 or Mark V with the narrow ring "up" and you're ready to make micro depth-of-cut adjustments from a few thousandths to about 7/8".     

     Here's How it Works:    

     Position your stop collar a couple of inches above the top of the table carriage and tighten the locking screw. Set the table height for your      operation to within 1/4" or so of where you want it.    

          Set a gap of between 3/8" to 1/2" between the rings, then loosen the setscrew and drop the collar down until the bottom of the collar touches the top of your table carriage (be sure to clear all sawdust and debris away from the top of the table carriage).  Tighten the setscrew.    

           Make your micro-adjustment by rotating the bottom portion (the wide ring) clockwise or counter-clockwise, as required.A single 360-degree turn of the adjustable ring provides 1/16" of adjustment.     

     Here's How You'll Use it:    

     You'll use it for making incremental table height adjustments when sawing dado or  groove cuts, cutting tenons, forming finger joints or when using the molding head for making decorative cuts in workpiece surfaces.    

     You can also use it to set extension table heights... to micro-adjust the in-out position of your worktable and rip fence in relation to the quill when drilling, shaping, routing, hollow chisel mortising or drum sanding... or for Special Purpose Tool alignments, plus under-table routing while using the speed increaser.     

     Durable, Self-adhesive, Laminated Stop Collar Scales Help You Set and Return to Shopsmith Worktable Height Settings with Precision --   To Within Your Choice Of the following   

Precision with 1/128" fractional scale • 1/1000" decimal scale and • 1/10 of a millimeter scale         

  • Fractional Scale: 1/128"
  • Decimal Scale: 1/1000"
  • Millimeter Scale: 1/10th of a millimeter    

Durable, Self-Adhesive, Laminated Stop Collar Scales             

If you already own a Shopsmith Adjustable Stop Collar...these scales make a great addition for your collar.  Printed in black ink on a bright yellow background (proven to be the most legible of all printed type combinations), they'll help you make minute table height adjustments in your choice of fractional, decimal or millimeter increments.      

These Scales Make a Great Addition To Your Adjustable Stop Collar          A Single 360° Turn Provides 1/16" of Adjustment         

     The two strips includes the three scales described above plus a fourth indexing scale with marks at four locations, spaced 90° apart. Just select the indexing mark that best suits your needs, then rotate the bottom portion of the collar in the increment that works best for your situation. Nothing could be simpler -- or more precise !     

     Featuring a tenacious, self-adhesive backing, once you attach the scales to your collar, you won't have to worry about them moving or coming un-glued... they'll be there for the duration!     

     In addition, the scales are protected by a rugged laminate covering to guard against scrapes, tears and snags.      

Double Up and Have Two Quick, Precise Adjustments at the Ready         

     Double-up your Stop Collar order for unparalleled convenience & super-savings:     

     Order an extra Shopsmith Stop Collar and Scale and you'll be making table adjustments faster than you may ever have imagined!      

  • Put the extra collar on the opposite side of your carriage and you'll have TWO quick, precise adjustments at the ready.
  • Put it on your fixed Extension Table Post and you'll be ready to raise and lower your main worktable and extension table in unison.

      Watch this Online Video To See the Adjustable Stop Collar In Action    

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      Shopsmith Tools in Action     

Using the Adjustable Stop Collar