556459 MiterSet Segment Jig
Get a MiterSet Segment Jig to Quickly Make Angled Segments and Perfect Mitered Corners!
Get a MitreSet Jig to Quickly Make Angled Segments and Perfect Mitered Corners!
One of the most common headaches in woodworking is making accurate miter cuts. Whether you're creating unique segmented wood pieces, constructing a picture frame, or doing high-end finish work, a well-cut joint is easy to appreciate.
You may be thinking two things are necessary for a no-gap miter joint:
(1) A correctly calculated and set miter angle;
(2) Pieces cut to the right length.
Getting the right length is achieved with accessories like the 24" Aluminum Miter Gauge Extension, the 20" Aluminum Miter Gauge Extension, or the Shopsmith miter stop rod.
But, until now, getting the correct angle has been more difficult and time consuming. The Solution: The MiterSet!
With the MiterSet, you'll be surprised how easy and quick setting angles will become.
MiterSet Segments for
Segmented Turnings

MiterSet Standard for Accurate
Miter Angles

Now You're Ready to Cut Some Precise Angles Quickly & Accurately!
MiterSet Segments For Segmented Turnings
with No Maths Required!
Using the MiterSet Segments is even one step easier. Normally, when cutting segments, you'd have to calculate the angles. Or, maybe you would need to find your look-up chart to determine the angle you need based on the number of sides in your project. The MiterSet Segment jig eliminates the need for these tedious steps, making it effortless.
Here's How it Works.
- Plug in the base pin;
- Plug the 2nd pin in the hole clearly labeled with the number of sides.
That's it, the MiterSet has selected and set the correct angle. All that is left to do, is again to place your miter gauge in the slot and slide the miter face against the pins to set the exact angle.
You save the frustration, trial-and-error, and wasted wood that comes with a conventional approach.