Dust covers Maximize

Dust covers

These covers are custom tailored to fit your Shopsmith equipment, giving you added protection from condensation and rust, as well as dust and other workshop elements. Now, with improved breathability. All edges are double stitched.

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Dust covers

 Shopsmith Dust Covers

Breathable Machine Covers Protect Your Equipment From Rust


Mark V Dust Cover
Mark V Dust Cover

Jointer Dust Cover
Jointer Dust Cover

Bandsaw Dust Cover

Beltsander Dust Cover
Beltsander Dust Cover

Strip Sander
Strip Sander Dust Cover

These covers are custom tailored to fit your Shopsmith equipment, giving you added protection from condensation and rust, as well as dust and other workshop elements. Now, with improved breathability. All edges are double stitched.

All covers are an attractive gray color with a red Shopsmith logo. In addition to protecting your equipment, they help your shop present a sleek uncluttered appearance.