Shopsmith Self-Study Course (NO BINDER) Maximize

Shopsmith Self-Study Course (NO BINDER)

505717 Shopsmith Self-Study Course

Information-Packed 10 Lesson Course!

This is a PRINTED copy with lessons and tests

Purchase a workshop manual to get a 50% discount

on these printed pages (no binder)

 This self-study course has been designed to familiarise the Shopsmith Mark V owner with the basic knowledge and woodworking skills necessary to be able to fully appreciate and utilise the Shopsmith System.

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£ 39,95

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Self-Study Course

Information-Packed 10 Lesson Course!

This is a PRINTED copy with lessons and tests

Purchase a workshop manual to get a 50% discount on these printed pages (no binder)

This self-study course has been designed to familiarise the Shopsmith Mark V owner with the basic knowledge and woodworking skills necessary to be able to fully appreciate and utilise the Shopsmith System.

Beginners and experienced woodworkers alike will quickly find their own starting points... then advance at a chosen pace toward the level they want to achieve... creating wonderful projects for family and friends along the way.

Nearly 200 pages of invaluable woodworking knowledge, organised into ten lessons/chapters. Follow this self-paced. step-by-step course of study to discover woodworking success on your Shopsmith, including:

  • How to crosscut, rip, dado and groove with the table saw
  • How to drill holes in different materials for different purposes
  • Special techniques for sanding to a super-smooth surface
  • How to create a host of common wood joints that provide the strength you need and look great, too
  • Getting started with spindle & faceplate turning on the lathe
  • ... and much more

The text book for this course "Power Tool Woodworking for Everyone" by R. J. DeCristoforo is sold separately.


Our Easy-To-Follow Instruction Materials Will Help You Get Started and Guide You, Every Step Of the Way

Comprehensive Shopsmith Owner's Manual


Here's a wealth of invaluable information to help you get the most out of your machine's basic functions. How to switch from tool-to-tool in less than two minutes. Tips & techniques for mastering the various operations. How to tune-up and maintain your Shopsmith for optimal performance. Nothing is left to chance.


Shopsmith Woodworking Self-Study Guide


Many of today's most accomplished home woodworkers have been (at the very least) nudged down the path of woodworking knowledge and success by this information-packed 10 lesson course. Beginners and experienced woodworkers alike will quickly find their own starting points... then advance at a chosen pace toward the level they want to achieve... creating wonderful projects for family and friends along the way! It's a fun time and great learning experience for all.


Power Tool Woodworking For Everyone


Shopsmith's own 325-page powerhouse of woodworking knowledge. Over 1,000 photos, diagrams and illustrations. Easy-to-understand photographic explanations of how to perform virtually every possible Shopsmith operation. Nearly 60 work-saving jigs and fixtures. Hundreds of valuable woodworking tips and tricks-of-the-trade. A host of troubleshooting charts, conversion tables and lots, lots more !